Saturday, May 19, 2012

Last blog for TEA delegates at WEA-RA 2012.It has been a lot of work and a lot of fun. This year was more frustrating than usual due to reasons stated in the last post. We are sad we need to leave before the event is over, but we really do need to get on the road to get home at a reasonable hour (midnight is what we are shooting for). Highlights of the RA: we had two members get up to speak to two different issues; we raised $376 for the Children's Fund with other members of Sammamish UniServ; connected with other teachers across the state; and had meaningful conversation amongst ourselves about education issues and how they affect Tahoma. Lowlight: we did not have our fearless leader with us (missed ya Scotty!). Here is to everyone having a wonderful end of the year. Your Tahoma WEA-RA Delegates signing off.
We are in the thick of it. About 11 NBIs left. We have passed a few of the recently submitted NBIs, but most of them have failed or been ruled out of order. One in particular that passed was an NBI that directs WEA to oppose districts who place Teach for America students/teachers in classes where there is no teacher shortage. Teach for America places students into urban classroom with very little training. The program touts that it is cure for failing students in these schools; we feel the program is dangerous, reckless, and devalues the importance of an effective teacher training program. It is very clear that the Occupy movement is very popular amongst some teachers. There have been multiple NBIs that were submitted over yesterday or the day before (all from Seattle SD) that urged action days. One in particular, Occupy Olympia, called for a day of action when the legislative session begins next. It was voted down due to the unpopularity of the Occupy movement in the media, but more importantly the overall cost. It would have cost over $120,000 to implement. Unfortunately, it is looking like your delegation is going to miss the end of RA. As part of a cost-saving measure, we decided a couple of weeks ago to cancel our hotel for this evening. When we decided this, it was based off of the limited number of NBIs we had at our MockRA. We did not foresee this many NBIs being submitted at the actual RA, nor did we predict there being a high number of Points of Order and Reconsiders (we reconsidered 3 NBIs; highly unheard of). We need to hit the road no later than 7 this evening. All of the business that has been considered at RA will be published on WEA's home site,, next week. I encourage everyone to check out all of the business that took place at RA and ask your delegates any questions you may have.
New Business has begun. No. 11; 24 more to go...Yikes. We have a lot of work to do!
Marcie Maxwell on charter schools: "I've gone from no to hell no on this issue." She is fighting for us; we need to fight for her this fall!
MARCIE MAXWELL! FRIEND OF EDUCATION! Our former Representative is being honored for her relentless fighting for education issues. She has been an outspoken opponent of charter schools and proponent for public schools. Awesome.
Day 3...Sitting in the WEA-PAC meeting currently. For anyone who is a WEA-PAC member, John has a copy of the report. The most pressing news is since the last presidential election, WEA-PAC has added nearly 10,000 members. We are going to need it, and more, to elect Jay Inslee this fall! Your delegates are sleepy, but ready to finish the Assembly. Stay tuned...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Delegates just wrapped up doing a break-out session. The purpose of the session was to get folks into small groups in order to hear from folks who might not want to go up and speak in front of 1,200 people. The questions asked were: a) What are the pressing issues facing education today? b) How can we get teachers and others to not only vote for Jay Inslee as governor, but volunteer for him as well? c) How can we increase WEA-PAC membership?